1. Select 10 tricks from the AKC Trick Dog Checklist (5 if CGC on file with AKC)
2. Video each trick twice
3. Submit evaluation form below
4. Submit payment
5. Send videos via email
After evaluation, you will be provided, via email, with your dog's signed Trick Dog Checklist and Video Verification Form that you can then submit to AKC with your Trick Dog Application - separate Trick Dog Application fee from AKC.
About Video Submissions
Video submissions can be done in a variety of ways. Your trick videos can be fancy or plain, short or long, with or without subtitles, with or without music. Uploading your video(s) to YouTube or Vimeo can include all your tricks in one take, or you can edit them all together. You can also submit multiple clips of all your tricks. Most of all, have fun and create some fun memories playing with your dog. Woofs!
Trick Dog Evaluations
$10.00 per evaluation
$5.00 Go-Get-'Em students
Certified AKC Evaluator:
Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
Agility Course Test (ACT)
Trick Dog Test
"Margaret Hughes brings her life-long love of dogs together with positive training techniques that both you and your dog will enjoy." Twenty+ years ago I wrote that sentence on my first advertising brochure. It still holds true today. I love training dogs but I love training people more. My dog training background is in obedience, family style dog training, behavior modification and aggression. I love helping dogs learn manners, which in turn, creates a fun and enriching family life, for everyone, including the dog.
I am a certified dog trainer (CTC) through the SF SPCA's Academy for Dog Trainers, taught by one of the BEST dog trainers in the world, Jean Donaldson. I attended the Academy's In-House pilot program, and then their full fledged accredited program. Graduating the SF SPCA's Dog Trainer's Academy was an honor and cemented everything that I loved about positive training. I became one of the first in the USA to be certified by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, earning my CPDT.
I teach agility classes for Katie Morrell, of Dogs in Progress Along with teaching group agility class for Dog in Progress, I also offer private lessons, small group workshops and specialized focus sessions on a variety of agility subjects at my Go-Get-'Em Agility field.
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